Thursday, November 10, 2011

The CEO and Business Leaders’ Solutions to Simplify

When conducting seminars and workshops for leaders of medium and large companies, occasionally I’ll meet a“revealer.” These are the people who will speak out about their success process without being nervous of disclosing techniques.

It’s a positive trait, and one where I can take the opportunity to further explore a leader’s strategies: “How did you do it?”, “What were your biggest challenges”, “what kept you motivated”.

For some it was the right timing, for others they brought the right team around them, and for others still they acted ‘consciously’ as much as possible, constantly refining their vision and leadership until the point of breakthrough. Without exception though every successful leader I speak to hasdeveloped methods of belief and persistence and they’ve invested time… A LOT of

Some talk about the early days when 16 to 20 hour days were required just to meet their objectives for the month! We’ve all touched on a bit of that madness, but sustaining this sort of time commitment is a catalyst for a breakdown. So …

How do we create sustainable success? How do we accomplish growth over short and long periodswith the least effort possible? How do we use our unique talents in the most effective way

to lead and to inspire increase?

The secret … simplify!

Here’s what the “revealers”, and the more reserved CEO and Business Leaders, say about cultivating simplicity:

Develop deep intuition:
Don’t be guided by your impulses or by a range of opinions from others who aren’t fully invested in the vision or the outcome. Relax, sit down, and ask yourself, “how does this process / decision contribute to the big picture”, “what other choices and resources do I have available”, “Is this the most efficient& effective way to proceed?”

Delegate efficiently:

Micro-managing is limiting. You can pioneer a new process … but then source someone who’s gifted in that area to do subsequent repetitions – a designer, administrator, presenter, team-builder or technical genius. They needn’t be in-house. Train them, empower them and trust them to do what they do best. And you? You move forward and do what you do best.

Embrace technology:

Banking, accounting, communicating, sharing, updating, planning, storing, processing — there are some awesome technologies out there (and more cost effective and innovative than in-house teams sometimes)that aren’t taken advantage of by the biggest companies. Embracing technology may take some investment but when it streamlines your business and reduces your long-term costs – you’ll be glad you were smart and brave ‘back then’ to make the shift.

Honour deadlines:

Put a limit on how much time you spend on marketing, financing, recruiting, innovating, delivering and conducting meetings. The goal here is to keep to a flow of innovation, development, launching, feedback and refinement. The ‘pressure’ of a deadline can expose extraordinary creativity. And I’ve seen inspired leaders ‘un-develop’ their perfectionist tendencies and create rapid growth using the mantra ‘good is good enough’.


The best strategic partnerships will shortcut the amount of time you spend looking for new customers, suppliers, vendors, networks and systems. The successful business Future is becoming less about secrecy and competition and shifting more towards rich customer relationship, service, sharing, collaborating, empathetic joint ventures and transparentshared knowledge.

Jennifer Broadley is one of the UK's leading success coaches. She works with corporate leaders, business visionaries and successful entrepreneurs. She specialises in CEO coaching, prosperity coaching and providing the most intuitive and best leadership and personal success coaching in the UK. Jennifer is passionate about the ongoing self improvement of the world's future business leaders – the way-showers for our precious next generation. She coaches, speaks, writes and runs workshops on The 7 Steps to Personal & Professional Freedom. You can call, email or message Jennifer from
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Monday, October 17, 2011

An Investment in Yourself – with Infinite Returns!

Experiencing spiritual intelligence for the first time is like having spent your life eating spaghetti from a tin. You’re then flown to Italy, and in a little, local, 5th generation restaurant in a cobbled back street in Rome you taste true, authentic, tomato-packed, garlic-infused, basil-topped pasta Neapolitan– and UH!! my days - heaven on a fork!!

The Success with Soul 1-Day Intensive will be for many like a spiritual taste bud awakening. It’s intelligent, relevant, powerful in its simplicity, authentic in its claims and will change the mindset and lives of those who attend.

The strength of the program is based on the 12 Universal Success Principles. They’re taught on the day and then the exploration of how they could be best integrated for each person begins. What is powerful is that the Success Principles apply across all people, all cultures, all ages, all faith groups and all abilities. Each person on our planet uses the principles every minute of every day whether we know it or not (much like gravity – it permanently applies to all).

The seminar offers ground-breaking, way-showing, innovative new thinking to open-minded professionals and seekers of answers. It educates, equips and empowers. It’s for people who want to:

· release greater potential
· excel with all 4 elements – body, mind, heart and soul
· communicate powerfully
· generate greater wealth
· live in fitness and health
· experience rich love and relationship
· attract abundance and happiness

Jennifer Broadley is the Success with Soul Coach. She works with corporate leaders and successful women entrepreneurs. She specialises in CEO coaching, prosperity coaching and using the law of attraction. She coaches, speaks, writes and runs seminars about personal, business and global raised awareness.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Future Business Leaders

If I say 'successful business leader', think about a picture that instantly forms in your head. What's the stereotype? Do you still see a suited, tall, heterosexual, white, man sitting behind a oaken, boardroom table? Yes? Well, it's time for an update!!

Our present day leaders are a much wider diversity - different genders (Anita Roddick, Oprah Winfrey, Irene Rosenfeld), ability (David Blunket, Stephen Hawkins), sexual orientation (Johanna Sigurdardottir, Charles Allen), ethnicity (Barack Obama, James Caan), faith groups (Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu), ages (Mathew McCauley, Cameron Johnson) and all the rest.

As we begin to norm the physical perceptions of what makes a powerful leader it's freeing up leaders themselves to focus solely on talent and delivering excellence. So how are the most progressive leaders equipping themselves to keep ahead today? By engaging in:

Enlightened thinking: it's getting to be common knowledge that, proven in metaphysics, what you think about expands. Leaders with a can-do, creative, inspired mind are attracting the most diverse and exciting teams and consequently delivering off-the-chart results.

Responsibility: the blame culture is over. Leaders who give permission to teams to push the boundaries and learn boldly from mistakes are the ones with the future in their hands. This mindset gets rid of limiting thinking fast and attracts success faster and on more levels than just financial. With a gifted and responsible leader - all experience is good experience.

Awareness: Future Business Leaders know that success is no longer only about body and mind - about physical prowess and intellect. Today it includes big developments in heart and soul too - emotional intelligence and spiritual connection. Leaders in the know are confident to hold a vision without pushing for the 'how'; they're trusting that challenges have a purpose that's bigger than the bottom line; and allowing of difference in ideas, strategies, works styles, and contribution.

These 3 characteristics contribute to success with soul. Something rich, meaningful and future-proof for workforces and the customers they serve. Integrating soul in a corporation is more than just progress - this is quantum leap territory.

Who's for jumping?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sporting links to Business Success

Since the beginning of 2011 I've been upping the stakes on the fitness front - more swimming, more tennis, more detoxing. And it's great. I feel energised, positive and focussed to a much higher level than when I'm desk-bound all day. Last week my swim partner and I changed the timing of our training session. We went from 6.30am (a proper discipline for me - especially when it's still dark outside) to 12.15am. I had thought we would meet, as usual in the foyer of the swimming pool, however, I quickly realised that he'd arrived early and had just got started. By the time I joined him in the pool he was 16 lengths ahead! A significant lead when we were only doing 50 lengths total that day. So, no time to delay, I jumped in and got started.

My first 5 lengths were filled with thoughts of 'got to swim faster, got to catch up'. And so I pushed myself and really felt the burn as I focussed on lapping him every 10 lengths instead of my usual every 14. After about 10 minutes I began to think, 'you know, I'm focussing on the wrong goal. It's unreasonable to be referencing myself against a person who started 16 lengths ahead of me. I should be concentrating on my style, my breathing, completing my goal and achieving a personal best.' And this got me thinking about Business Success .Sometimes the people whose businesses have been established longer and appear to run so effectively inspire me to move forward faster and to innovate. And sometimes, their persistent emails promoting their next teleclass, next program and next fool-proof system drive me to lose my sense of pride in my own achievements and my own game. Experience is good, and knowledge is valuable, but it's a positive and persistent attitude that will keep us driving our business success forward. It's your journey, your vision and your race with your own expectations. Me, I've resolved to remind myself often that my vision is unique to me and that a daily personal best is a pretty big victory.

Jennifer Broadley is the Success with Soul Coach. She works with corporate future business leaders and successful women entrepreneurs. She specialises in CEO coaching, prosperity coaching and using the law of attraction. She coaches, speaks, writes and runs seminars about personal, business and global raised awareness.

Visit here for more info -

Monday, September 12, 2011

Your CEO Legacy


There appears that there's more transparency now of the activities, successes and challenges of the world's blue chip and corporate leaders. Because of this there's more demand than ever for CEO Executive Coaching (for which I'm grateful!); encouraging impressive innovation, considered risk taking and personal skills development that the rest of the company can model as well as put their faith in.

So what do companies, workforces and shareholders expect today from a great CEO? A simple answer would be 'perfection'; much like the new generation of strategic husband hunters who are driven by the myth that somewhere a life partner exists who is kind, considerate, masculine yet empathetic, genius yet approachable, impulsive yet comfortingly predictable; an uber-provider with a family focus, stunningly handsome and with aspirations only for wife and family.

So, let's prod the CEO myth a bit then. Are we really looking for the complete package - experience, clarity, contacts, motivation, passion, business prowess, intelligence, inspiration, confidence, intuition, authenticity, honesty and approachability? It's a huge list. And when I look at it like this it seems to me to be SO much to expect from a single person. And what if a leader has risen through the ranks because they have a natural ability to inspire those around them but they're not the quickest decision maker? What if someone excels in intuitive marketing delivering consistent off-the-scale results but their contacts book is somewhat limited?

Here's what's evolving in my view of leadership (my opinion being formed through the increasingly in-demand CEO Coaching I provide); company success increases when diversity is fully embraced.

CEOs and senior leadership teams who understand that the chain is only as strong as its weakest link, will invest in their people. And organisations who succeed with a diverse representation of employees - across gender, age, race, faith groups, sexuality, ability and disability - can tap into the richness of their culture to succeed on a global scale.

There are SO many right ways to lead a company to success. My CEO Coaching is about increasingly releasing what's already inside. I know you're hearing that line from me over and over ... go inside for your answers, your inspiration, your brilliance!

For more information, please visit our Site:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Social Media Obliterated Schedule


Hands up if you get sucked into an unscheduled Face Book, Twitter or Linked In frenzy more than once a week?

Here are the symptoms: you intend to go into one of these platforms and update your status. You then read a 'quick' few updates from friends, colleagues, contacts; you comment on a few of the smart ones, watch an inspiring video (that 3 minutes later wasn't actually that life-changing), check back to see who's commented on your comment, 'like' their acknowledgement of your point of view (only polite), re-post an article, check over to your next platform, repeat as before and... 'oh b****cks', did 60 minutes really go by?

I haven't done my morning meditation, updated my blog, written my teleclass (which is tonight!), sent that email or schedule my next 15 ezines because... I just got myself into a SMOS (a Social Media Obliterated Schedule).

In my experience every good business activity is improved by having some healthy boundaries in place. These are mine for FB, Twitter, Linked In and any other professional SM platform you're into:

* no more than 15 minutes for ALL platforms per session. And no more than twice per day ... if you must!

* un-click from having emails sent to you to inform you who's commented on a comment (really! - it's just too tempting and it can't be more important than your marketing, your mastery or the delivery of your product or service to your clients. Why look at chocolate cake when you're slimming?!)

* make a list of what 'business' social media includes for you (promoting products, teleclasses, corporate events, industry conferences, job openings, networking) and do ONLY that sort of SM in your 9-5 time. The truly social stuff (chatting, sharing videos, photos of your bbq) - stick to early mornings and evenings.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit", said Aristotle. So, my daily re-claimed SMOS hours will be used for further excellence in coaching, writing, meditation, marketing and personal.

In this instance - Less is More!

About author:

Jennifer Broadley is the Success with Soul Coach. She works with corporate leaders and successful women entrepreneurs. She specialises in CEO coaching, prosperity coaching and using the l aw of attraction. She coaches, speaks, writes and runs seminars about personal, business and global raised awareness.

For more information, please visit our Site:, Jennifer Broadley

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Big CEO Challenge

CEO Challenge

What am I hearing most about in leadership CEO Coaching and these days? ... 'The stretch'.

* How do we downsize and innovate?
* How do we isolate retrainable talent, let go of change resisters and attract inspired leaders?
* How do we plan our future strategies when we can't yet see where our products and services might fit?

Business pace is speeding up - from global corporates to entrepreneurial start ups. Technology, information availability, outsourcing, professional development, consumer education, global availability ... all of it contributes to m
ore choices being offered more frequently and creatively to more people. There's a definite sense that if you stand still the world will move by so speedily that you'll struggle to catch up.

Here's the Big CEO Challenge then: "how do I create a future-healthy organisation with inspired, open-minded, way-showing leaders who will motivate their teams to serve our customers, clients, readers, viewers and listeners with respect and integrity in this opportunity-packed new business era".

We've got to get our heads around the fact that the past doesn't equal the future. The way forward requires a shiny new road map. And the beliefs and values that built railroads, encouraged competition, and taught 'job for life' are not those that will succeed in this time of 'more for all, less to none'.

A Chief Executive Officer's most powerful strategy is to be clear and to be bold - and if you're not quite in that head-space & heart-space it doesn't take much to shift there; invest in your personal & professional development until you fully sense you're out front and re-energised.

Hundreds perhaps thousands or millions are looking at your every move - all you've become has been leading to this moment: if a complete re-organisation is required, communicate it, plan it and do it. If the hiring of new talent is the solution for your business longevity, make it happen. And if you know you've got to managing the decline of selected brands before launching a new phase, do it with transparency and integrity - how you handled it will become part of your legacy.

And wait ... there's more (happy days!); best leadership coach in uk and teams are looking to their CEOs to have something beyond a great strategy and rich experience. The world wants to see honorable decision making, transparent accountability and respectful communication go hand-in-hand with innovative product and brand development and pristine customer service.

About author:

Jennifer Broadley is the Success with Soul Coach. She works with corporate leaders and successful women entrepreneurs. She specialises in CEO coaching, prosperity coaching and using the law of attraction. She coaches, speaks, writes and runs seminars about personal, business and global raised awareness.

For more information, please visit our Site:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Best Success Coach - You!

What does it take for anyone to be the best at anything? And does being labelled the best leadership coach in uk take different traits to being the best runner in the Olympics, the best artist of the Turner Prize, the best actress at the Oscars or the successful leadership in your organisation?

The word 'best' is often used to compare one person, talent or event to another. In this sense, I would steer clear of using it unless it's in a context of comparing me with myself. Wayne Dyer once said that 'true nobility is not about being better than anyone else, it's about being better than I used to be'. With that in mind, here's some of what I think it takes to bring out the best in who you're striving to become:

Compelling Vision:

When it's cold and wet and you have to get up for training, when you fingers are blistered from strumming those guitar chords a thousand times over, when you've got to dig deep to spend another day of business waiting for the breakthrough, a compelling vision will re-ignite passion and motivation to underpin the drive to keep going.

My vision is defined in writing, on a vision board and in a series of mind movies - so that however I'm reminded, it's inspiring.

Personal Responsibility:

No one became the best in their field by looking outside of themselves for the answers, by comparing themselves to another or for finding someone to blame. Each person has a definition of success that's as unique to them as is their fingerprint and a route to achieving that success that navigates through unchartered territory.

I regularly shake off the echos of 'if you could write like her...'; 'if you had money like him...'; 'if you were as smart as...'. I'm 100% responsible for the thoughts I think, the choices i make and for how big I choose to show up in the world.

Increasing Self Awareness:

What other's can observe about you will only ever be a tiny piece of the jigsaw. When you develop the skill of tuning in to the physical signs, the intellectual promptings, the emotional resonances, and the spiritual meaning of the vision you're choosing, then you can fully expand into the truth about your purpose. Only then can you stretch for the heights you secretly dream about. No limits remember?

For me, self awareness and self development are two circles with a Venn-diagram-like cross over point. My personal aim is to expand that central part to a point where awareness and development are entirely overlapping and function with synchronicity at all times... a work in progress.

I've worked with clients whose compelling vision, once defined clearly and courageously, has been enough to change their thoughts, their feelings, and their ability to take inspired action. Subsequently results begin to appear, sometimes so significantly and speedily that you wonder where they could have been hiding for all this time.

So, is it possible for you to be the best at whatever it is you expect for yourself? With vision, responsibility and awareness I say 'yes'. The most important thing as I always say, is to go inside for your answers - to take some quiet time, shut your eyes, focus your mind towards your heart and let the best you step forward!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Successful Leadership - Get Plugged In!

I've often heard when working with a corporate leadership client - 'well I haven't told anyone I'm working with you - I don't want them to know there's a problem'. And I have to ask myself 'where has this message come from' because I certainly don't work with clients because there's a problem (nor do any of my associate executive coaches) - I work with clients who are whole, capable, already successful AND have unreleased potential.

And here's the thing - everyone I know has unreleased potential, even the highest fliers in their field - JK Rowling, Bill Gates, Paul Polman (CEO Coaching), Larry Page & Sergey Brin (Founders, Google), Roger Federer - whether sport, business or creative arts there never comes a point when you can say, 'I know all I could ever know' or 'I have contributed all I'm able to contribute'.

The shift I work with my clients on is to become conscious of their infinite power to create and contribute. You see 99.9% of people on our planet don't yet know that with every thought they think, they create something - thoughts are things. So we meander through life with unchecked thinking - what will I write in that proposal, I wish I had a different boss, wouldn't it be great to win the lottery, who would I date if I could choose anyone at all, what shall I have for dinner tonight, oh, yes, that proposal - having no idea that these thoughts are creating an attraction to the outcome as we think them.

Also, about 97% of the thoughts that occur in our mind happen at a subconscious level. Anything that has to happen frequently - movement, driving, assessing a persons status, choosing the words we speak out, our emotional response to seeing lovers kissing - is predominantly in the domain of the automated part of ourselves. To actively manage what we're creating, we have to override some of that automation (where there are limited beliefs) with some new likelihoods.

Infinite possibilities come from our ability to tap into our soul - the design of who we are in connection to all that is. It's like a toaster plugging into the electricity supply - it can only do what it's designed to do by having this network of power run through it. And that electricity is always there - just waiting. It doesn't care if it's powering a kettle, an iMac, a hairdryer or a mobile phone. It just gives out the essence of what it is to allow a product to be of service.

Same thing applies with Infinite Possibility (or universal potential) - our soul's the plug by which we get consciously connected to it. And the 'flow' we connect to doesn't make choices around worthiness, status or level to which we aspire; it's just fully available to everyone - man, woman, rich, poor, clear, confused, young, old - all cultures, all abilities, all visions.

So when you're considering what it takes for you to be even more of a successful leadership that you already are, ask your executive 'electrician' about how to connect your soul to unlimited Source energy. Infinite Possibility is what dynamic, fluent, innovative leadership is all about. Make the shift from unconscious to conscious business leaders; from ambition to meaning; and from seeing problems to acknowledging unreleased potential.

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