Thursday, September 8, 2011

Social Media Obliterated Schedule


Hands up if you get sucked into an unscheduled Face Book, Twitter or Linked In frenzy more than once a week?

Here are the symptoms: you intend to go into one of these platforms and update your status. You then read a 'quick' few updates from friends, colleagues, contacts; you comment on a few of the smart ones, watch an inspiring video (that 3 minutes later wasn't actually that life-changing), check back to see who's commented on your comment, 'like' their acknowledgement of your point of view (only polite), re-post an article, check over to your next platform, repeat as before and... 'oh b****cks', did 60 minutes really go by?

I haven't done my morning meditation, updated my blog, written my teleclass (which is tonight!), sent that email or schedule my next 15 ezines because... I just got myself into a SMOS (a Social Media Obliterated Schedule).

In my experience every good business activity is improved by having some healthy boundaries in place. These are mine for FB, Twitter, Linked In and any other professional SM platform you're into:

* no more than 15 minutes for ALL platforms per session. And no more than twice per day ... if you must!

* un-click from having emails sent to you to inform you who's commented on a comment (really! - it's just too tempting and it can't be more important than your marketing, your mastery or the delivery of your product or service to your clients. Why look at chocolate cake when you're slimming?!)

* make a list of what 'business' social media includes for you (promoting products, teleclasses, corporate events, industry conferences, job openings, networking) and do ONLY that sort of SM in your 9-5 time. The truly social stuff (chatting, sharing videos, photos of your bbq) - stick to early mornings and evenings.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit", said Aristotle. So, my daily re-claimed SMOS hours will be used for further excellence in coaching, writing, meditation, marketing and personal.

In this instance - Less is More!

About author:

Jennifer Broadley is the Success with Soul Coach. She works with corporate leaders and successful women entrepreneurs. She specialises in CEO coaching, prosperity coaching and using the l aw of attraction. She coaches, speaks, writes and runs seminars about personal, business and global raised awareness.

For more information, please visit our Site:, Jennifer Broadley

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Big CEO Challenge

CEO Challenge

What am I hearing most about in leadership CEO Coaching and these days? ... 'The stretch'.

* How do we downsize and innovate?
* How do we isolate retrainable talent, let go of change resisters and attract inspired leaders?
* How do we plan our future strategies when we can't yet see where our products and services might fit?

Business pace is speeding up - from global corporates to entrepreneurial start ups. Technology, information availability, outsourcing, professional development, consumer education, global availability ... all of it contributes to m
ore choices being offered more frequently and creatively to more people. There's a definite sense that if you stand still the world will move by so speedily that you'll struggle to catch up.

Here's the Big CEO Challenge then: "how do I create a future-healthy organisation with inspired, open-minded, way-showing leaders who will motivate their teams to serve our customers, clients, readers, viewers and listeners with respect and integrity in this opportunity-packed new business era".

We've got to get our heads around the fact that the past doesn't equal the future. The way forward requires a shiny new road map. And the beliefs and values that built railroads, encouraged competition, and taught 'job for life' are not those that will succeed in this time of 'more for all, less to none'.

A Chief Executive Officer's most powerful strategy is to be clear and to be bold - and if you're not quite in that head-space & heart-space it doesn't take much to shift there; invest in your personal & professional development until you fully sense you're out front and re-energised.

Hundreds perhaps thousands or millions are looking at your every move - all you've become has been leading to this moment: if a complete re-organisation is required, communicate it, plan it and do it. If the hiring of new talent is the solution for your business longevity, make it happen. And if you know you've got to managing the decline of selected brands before launching a new phase, do it with transparency and integrity - how you handled it will become part of your legacy.

And wait ... there's more (happy days!); best leadership coach in uk and teams are looking to their CEOs to have something beyond a great strategy and rich experience. The world wants to see honorable decision making, transparent accountability and respectful communication go hand-in-hand with innovative product and brand development and pristine customer service.

About author:

Jennifer Broadley is the Success with Soul Coach. She works with corporate leaders and successful women entrepreneurs. She specialises in CEO coaching, prosperity coaching and using the law of attraction. She coaches, speaks, writes and runs seminars about personal, business and global raised awareness.

For more information, please visit our Site: